Body of Knowledge Business Dog Works Training Company

Body of Knowledge | Business

Body of Knowledge is the collected wisdom, experience, processes and facts that both inform a profession and provide the solid foundation for which continuous improvements and innovation can occur. 

Dog Works Training Company’s Body of Knowledge consists of the information, knowledge and functional skills we have identified that all dog trainers should posses. 

The Body of Knowledge is built on the foundation of the six core competencies as outlined by the Association for Pet Dog Trainers.

1. Animal Learning

2. Human Learning

3. Canine Behavior

4. Health and Nutrition

5. Business

6. Laws and Regulations 

The goal of this Body of Knowledge is fourfold:

1. To serve as the foundational benchmark for which DWTC and APDT education is aligned to ensure offerings are well-rounded and through

2. To serve as a standard by which professional dog trainers assess their own ongoing education

3. To serve as the guiding content which all provides of dog training and behavior-related educational rescues will strive to provide

4. To inform the clients of DWTC of our willingness to provide professional dog training and behavior-related services to the best of our ability through our continued effort and maximizing our knowledge and information and staying abreast of the current resources in the industry.

Business Plan

Develop an understanding of, and familiarity with, the process of creating a strategic and thorough business plan in order to:

  • Think about business in a strategic way
  • Study and research facts of business 

Knowledge Of: 

  • Fundamentals and key elements of strategic and business plans
  • Project management techniques 
  • Web analytics 

Skills In: 

  • Developing vision, mission, core values
  • Strategic, analytical and critical thinking
  • Applying project management techniques
  • Writing 
  • Team work and collaboration
  • Researching 
  • Interpersonal communication 
  • Projecting sales and expenses 


Products and Services

Identify planned services and pricing structures

Knowledge Of: 

  • Proposed products 
  • Proposed services 
  • Competitive market research
  • Competitive advantages and disadvantages 
  • Proprietary features

Skills In: 

  • Conducting competitive market research 
  • Inspecting products and services
  • Determining product and service value 
  • Problem solving


Marketing Plan

Develop a marketing plan and public relation strategy in order to: 

  • Understand your market
  • Identify effective marketing services 

Knowledge Of: 

  • Fundamentals and key elements of a marketing and public relations plan
  • Effective promotional materials utilizing internal talent and/or external vendors as needed
  • Media process and planning 
  • Branding procedure and process
  • Traditional and web-based advertising 
  • Community relations
  • Types of marketing materials 
  • Type of talent needed 
  • Project management techniques 
  • Competitive analysis 
  • Industry economics 
  • Distribution channels 
  • Target customer demographics
  • Marketing strategies 
  • Promotional strategies 
  • Social media, including live media

Skills In: 

  • Vision and direction 
  • Researching 
  • Promoting products and services 
  • Strategic and analytical thinking 
  • Planning, scheduling and organizing 
  • Creative writing 
  • Applying project management techniques 
  • Team work and collaboration 
  • Good sense of timing 
  • Projecting 
  • Measuring results 
  • Interpersonal communication 
  • Multitasking
  • Delegation 
  • Applying branding processes and procedures
  • Communication (written and verbal) 
  • Conducting competitive analysis research 
  • Analyzing research findings
  • Math, budgeting 
  • Finding and understanding your niche 
  • Understanding your ideal client 

Operational Plan

Develop a through operational plan in order to: 

  • Identify and organize daily operations 
  • Identify service area and location 
  • Identify require supplies and equipment 
  • Develop policies and procedures 

Knowledge Of: 

  • Fundamentals and key elements or writing business policies and procedures
  • Laws and regulations governing business 
  • Human rescues system
  • Project management techniques 
  • Develop employee manual 
  • Key elements of an employee training manual 
  • Fundamentals of instructional design
  • Fundamentals of adult learning theories and practices 
  • Filing systems and record management 
  • Identify needed resources including but not limited to: 
    • Equipment 
    • Staffing 
    • Stationary
    • Computers 
    • Software, etc. 
    • Information technology
  • Web-based teaching 

Skills In: 

  • Written and oral communication 
  • Strategic, analytical and critical thinking 
  • Problem solving 
  • Setting standards 
  • Team work and collaboration 
  • Researching 
  • Personnel practices 
  • Using common business software 
  • Coaching staff
  • Organizing effective meetings
  • Negotiation 
  • Documentation 
  • Applying project management techniques
  • Writing 
  • Identifying key issues 
  • Explaining connects 
  • Identifying outside resources 
  • Filing 
  • Organization 
  • Typing/writing 
  • Recording data and information 
  • Human relations

Management and Organization 

Identify management and organization structure in order to: 

  • Determine day-to-day business management plan
  • Identify staffing needs and requirements 

Knowledge Of:

  • Business management 
  • Organizational chart
  • Job descriptions 
  • Project management techniques 
  • Fundamentals of customer service 
  • Fundamentals of effective communication 
  • Business products and services 
  • Basic project management 
  • Fundamentals of operating a business 
  • regulations impacting businesses
  • Ethics 
  • Internal/external correspondence 
  • Business operation ponies, strategies and requirements 

Skills In: 

  • Management 
  • Supervision 
  • Delegation 
  • Written and oral communication 
  • Problem solving 
  • Critical thinking 
  • Using social media 
  • Planing, organizing and scheduling 
  • Setting priorities 
  • Budgeting 
  • Project management techniques 


Financial Plan

Develop a thorough and accurate financial plan in order to:

  • Reasonably estimate financial future 
  • Improve insight into financial workings of business

Knowledge Of: 

  • Budget development 
  • 12-month project and loss projection 
  • Projected cash flow 
  • Start-up expenses 
  • Capitalization 
  • Financial/accounting principles and concepts 
  • Investment principles 
  • Financial software 
  • Payroll and payroll procedure 
  • Tax law and other legalities
  • Develop a financial system, including but not limited to:
    • Payroll
    • Invoices 
    • Sales receipts 
    • Reports 
    • Expenses
    • Project management techniques 
    • Accounting system 
    • Inventory management software 
    • Retail sales 
    • Personal financial statement 
    • Taxes
    • Business investment options

Skills In: 

  • Budgeting 
  • Systematic thinking 
  • Financial projection 
  • Financial management 
  • Bookkeeping 
  • Accounting 
  • Filing 
  • Math 
  • Attention to detail 
  • Managing inventory an supplies 
  • Planning, organizing, scheduling 
  • Operating a computer