How Long Will It Take to Train a Service Dog?

The Duration of Training a Service Dog

As per our guidelines at Alaska Dog Works, a service dog needs at least six months and a minimum of 120 hours of training. It depends on the dog and the required skills.

During this time, the dogs must work 300 hours in public settings. It helps them to extend their abilities and trains them to be responsive and straightforward in various public places.

Though service dogs are costly, most people can only afford a fully trained service dog by fundraising or taking out a loan. 

When Do You Start Training a Service Dog?

Before training their service dog, each owner must create a reasonable schedule. If your dog is a puppy, don’t wait; start training at 6 months to 1 year old. They use a pass/fail minimum threshold. It indicates any service dog can meet the standard, regardless of size or working position.

What is the First Thing You Should Train Your Dog to Do?

When you start your training, the first thing you can do is teach them the primary cues. Such as sit, stay, come, go, leave, and go to potty outside. As a beginner, you can do it yourself. Though, you follow our 7 golden commands also.


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