Why does my dog lick excessively?

The other day we posted a question on our Alaska Dog Works Facebook page and asked our fans: “What is one thing that your dog does that drives you nuts?” Overwhelmingly the answer was that their dog licked excessively.

Let’s set up a scenario: Every morning, as the rest of the family sleeps, Mike Telleria and pooch Sheila descend the stairs of their condo, cross the parking lot and head for a nearby field to enjoy a game of fetch. At 12 years old, Sheila doesn’t move quite as fast as she used to, but this ritual proves that a well-worn tennis ball can turn back time.

After a few rounds, Mike and Sheila walk across grass still wet with dew and ascend the stairs once again. Before returning inside, Mike dips each of Sheila’s furry paws into a bowl of water just outside the front door. Then he grabs an old rag and rubs her paws clean before they go inside and start the day. Without this morning ritual, Mike says, Sheila will lick her paws to raw nubs, removing hair along the way.

Sheila most likely suffers from a contact allergy caused by chemicals used to treat the lawn, said Dr. Annie Price of Ormewood Animal Hospital in Atlanta. Mike’s paw-bathing ritual not only prevents Sheila from tracking those chemicals inside, it also alleviates the risk of her consuming them.

“Physically touching [chemicals in treated grass] has created an irritation,” she says. “You don’t want them licking that stuff off.”

Plenty of pets lick their paws, their people and anything else that’s within reach. My dog even has the nickname “Lickin’ Lulu” because she’s never met a stranger who she doesn’t want to lick — except for an orange tabby who taunts her during walks.

If your pet licks too much, Price notes a few health issues to consider and some tips on how to get them to stop licking:


puppy eating in the grassDogs can have allergies to food or to pollen and mold and other things in the environment. (Photo: Jarun Ontakrai/Shutterstock)

Dogs can develop environmental allergies from inhaling mold and pollen, as well as household dust and mites. Price says that food allergies also may be the culprit. When pets are intolerant to something in their food, the issue often manifests as itchy skin. “Most have allergies to the protein, whether it’s chicken, fish or beef,” Price says. “A lot can have allergies to the carbohydrate source.”

Your veterinarian can help identify potential food allergies and recommend the best food options for itchy pets. That’s the best route to take before altering its diet. While a number of premium pet food brands tout wheat- or grain-free formulations, Price says that dogs typically are not allergic to gluten and do not require a grain-free diet. As omnivores, dogs can eat meat, grains, fruits and vegetables. Her own dogs enjoy a vegetarian diet that primarily consists of grain and soy.

On a somewhat related note, Price says that cats are obligate carnivores and should not have too many carbohydrates in their diet, so take a careful look at the list of ingredients on their pet food as well. Wet formulations help ensure that cats get much-needed water in their diet.

Behavioral issues

dog with puzzle toyInteractive puzzle toys can help your dog burn off physical and mental energy. (Photo: Sandor Gora/Shutterstock.com)

Unfortunately, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder are not limited to people. When pets lick their front paws excessively, it is frequently a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder. “Think of a person chewing their fingernails or twirling their hair,” Price says. “It’s behavior that is soothing to them.”

To address the problem, Price says vets typically look for underlying medical conditions. In some cases, physical and mental stimulation can help. Check out interactive toys and try longer walks to burn off energy.

Impacted anal glands

When dogs excessively lick their rear and scoot their bottoms across carpeted areas, it’s time to have those anal glands expressed. Here’s a video that walks through the steps, but I’m more than happy to pay a vet for this service.

Infection and pain

When pets develop an infection, that area can become itchy, leading to excessive licking. Bacteria and yeast also can cause problems. Be sure to check pets carefully, and pay particular attention to their paws after walks. Urinary tract infections also tend to cause excessive licking. What may seem like a minor issue can lead to costly vet bills if not addressed quickly, so schedule an appointment if the problem persists.

If pets suffer from arthritis, joint pain or other issues, licking may soothe achy trouble spots. An exam can help identify underlying issues.


dog biting himselfFleas can make your dog itch and cause him to lick excessively. (Photo: PixieMe/Shutterstock)

When cats and dogs bite or lick themselves excessively, fleas are typically the No. 1 culprit, says Price. Signs of abnormal grooming include short and sparse hair along a cat’s belly, back and sides. Dogs with flea allergies often lick excessively around their tail and lower back.

“Most of the time, you don’t see fleas on them because they have groomed them off,” she says, noting that cats are meticulous groomers. To provide relief, Price stresses the importance of monthly flea preventatives, even during colder months.

It makes them feel good

big white dog licking woman on the faceDogs think people taste good. (Photo: Liukov/Shutterstock)

Dog licking releases endorphins, chemicals that ease pain and stress and boost happiness. So when a dog licks your face, he gets a feel-good, stress-relieving sensation, says veterinarian Marty Becker.

Plus, this sign of affection also gives your dog a tasty treat. Because out skin is salty due to perspiration and our natural human scents and secretions, we taste good to dogs.

It can be hard to resist kisses from a frisky puppy that wants to lick you, but Price recommends exercising a little restraint. Remember, dogs lick the bottom of your shoes, she says. Would you lick the bottom of your shoes?

“Ideally, you shouldn’t let them lick,” Price says. “I say all that and, of course, I let dogs lick me in the face. Then I wonder why I break out sometimes.”

Does your dog lick excessively? Let us know on our social channels by searching Alaska Dog Works and as always tech out our articles our website.