Tag: foundation stock service


How to Train a Kishu Ken

The Kishu Ken is a dog of noteworthy endurance, showing nobility, dignity and naive feeling. His temperament is faithful, docile and very alert. The Kishu

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german spitz

How to Train a German Spitz

The German Spitz is always attentive, lively and exceptionally devoted to his owner. He is very teachable and easy to train. His distrust towards strangers

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How to Train a French Spaniel

The French Spaniel is balanced, frank, gentle, calm and docile. He is an enthusiastic hunter, sociable with other dogs and an ideal companion in all

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How to train a Eurasier

The Eurasier is a medium-sized dog with a thick, medium-long coat that can come in a variety of colors. Confident, calm, and well-balanced, he is

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