K9 Spotlight: Susan Gethen and Yukon

Susan Gethen and Yukon 

Yukon’s Emplyee // Adventure Dog

Yukon is a 6yr old Bernese Mtn Dog. He started his training with Dog Works when he was nearly 2 yrs old.  He continued his training during the summer “In the Park” with Dog Works. He then moved to Idaho where he learned to pull a cart.  He has participated is Caldwell and Merdian Christmas Parades, Stroll the Streets to Prevent Cancer and in the Fur Rondy parade.  He has worked Airport, Wildland Fire Fighter and Veteran Day events with therapy dogs.   

Before leaving Idaho he got a sled and started his training.  He has continued his training and working with a dog sled.  Though he is definitely not an Alaskan Sled Dog, he truly has the heart of one.  He recently pulled his sled to a cabin for a two night stay and sledding each day.  He even made it past a moose with no issue.  He is excited about more sled pulling and is looking forward to any more training he can get as he loves to learn new things.

The Gear: Mendota Slip Lead

The slip leash has been amazing for everyday walks and training.

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