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Video Transcript

Having a professional available – just makes sense!
We all wear many hats. Jack and Jills of all trades! But we can’t solve every problem we run into and sometimes that problem requires hiring a professional.
Look, I can change a lightbulb, and even install a new plug or ceiling fan, but no way in the world could I install the junction box on the back of my cabin so we can use a generator when the power goes out! That’s when I hire a professional. When something goes above my pay grade!
So sure you can teach your dog the basics, but there will come a time when you need to hire a professional to reach that higher goal, to correct a behavior issue, or to just teach you the skills necessary to be a better dog owner.
That time is now or you wouldn’t be receiving these emails and this information. I know you’ve reached your tipping point, at your wits-end, or have reached a crossroads. You’re scratching your head in wonderment at why in the heck the dog just ran off with your shoe after you just returned from an hours long walk with him. You are embarrassed because your dog cannot behave himself and contain his excitement and jumps on every person you greet. Your puppy refuses to potty outside, or takes forever to eat its food.
We’ve all experienced these struggles. That’s why hiring a professional dog trainer is a key component in having a dog. At some point, you need the professional to teach you how to get things back on track, to modify an unwanted behavior, to teach you how to control your K9 Buddy. This is not something simple like changing that lightbulb – dogs have their own agendas in life and some may not appreciate you messing up how they think it should go.
Dogs are driven literally by prey, pack, defense flight, defense fight, and sex drives. Here at Dog Works Training Company we not only understand these drives we understand how to work the dog in the drive that warrants the best results.
Are you ready to learn about these drives? Let’s take the next step.