Category: Terrier Group


How to Train a Toy Fox Terrier

A diminutive satin-coated terrier with an amusing toy-dog personality, the Toy Fox Terrier is, as breed fanciers say, ‘truly a toy and a terrier.’ They

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How to Train a Carin Terrier

Cairn Terriers are happy, busy little earthdogs originally bred to fearlessly root out foxes and other small, furred prey in the rocky Scottish countryside. Curious

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How to Train an Airedale

His size, strength, and unflagging spirit have earned the Airedale Terrier the nickname ‘The King of Terriers.’ The Airedale stands among the world’s most versatile

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jack russel terrier

How to Train a Jack Russell Terrier

Upbeat, lively, inquisitive, and friendly, the jaunty Russell Terrier was developed by England’s “Sporting Parson” for use in foxhunts. The adorable Russell Terrier looks like

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