Cabin Fever and Dog Training

Cabin Fever Relievers!

2020 certainly has redefined the term cabin fever! Not only are we experiencing unprecedented situations imagine for a moment what your dog is thinking.  In the beginning I’m sure your K9 Buddy was ecstatic!  Going on walks every hour on the hour and receiving extra treats, and belly rubs has been just perfect. But now we’re nine months into this new normal/post lockdown life that still has everyone unsure including the dogs!  So, what can we do to keep not only ourselves but our K9 Buddies well through these abnormal times, and through the melancholy months ahead?

Today we are going to give you a bunch of tips and tricks on how to eliminate some of these cabin fever blues with your dog.

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Oh, by the way did you know that there will be a dog in the White House again. President elect Joe Biden and his wife have two German Shepherds, Champ and Major. How cool is that. If you want to learn more about presidential dogs let us know in the comments and we will do a show on the topic soon.

Hide and Seek with a Toy

With snow also comes great hiding spots – play hide and go seek with your dog in winter! It is fun to hide the ball, rope, or chew toy in the snow and then send him out to go find it. By hiding the toy under the snow, it will stimulate your dog’s mind through his olfactory senses (smelling). After doing this a few times, your dog will be ready to head indoors for some cuddling by the fireplace!

BONUS TIP: When playing outdoors with your dog in winter, keep in mind the temperature. If the temperature is below freezing, staying outdoors too long can be harmful for your dog’s paws. Instead, keep your activities outside short – long enough to get a play in, but not too long that your dog begins to suffer from the cold. It is also important to keep in mind the breed of your dog! If your dog has short fur, he will probably begin to shiver much quicker than breeds with long, thick coats. Watch for any signs of pain or discomfort in your dog (lifting paws, whimpering, or tail between the legs)


Most of the time your dog just wants to spend time with you. Let him participate in your own winter activities and bring him along when you go to the sledding hill! If you trust your dog to be off-leash, let him chase you down the hill, or carry him along for the ride! This can be a lot of fun for the whole family and is the perfect way to get outdoors and burn some energy!

Play Ball

There is nothing wrong with going to your local dog park or playing fetch in the backyard. Playing fetch is a great way to burn some energy and bond with your dog. Select a toy that will be easily located amongst the snow (bright colors or large enough). Keep your ball playing sessions shorter, as your dog will be working his muscles hard and they can become stiff from being in the cold too long. Bundle up, because there is nothing wrong with a good game of fetch!

[bctt tweet=”When playing outdoors with your dog in winter, keep in mind the temperature. If the temperature is below freezing, staying outdoors too long can be harmful for your dog’s paws.” username=”alaskadogworks”]

Go Skijoring

Never heard of Skijoring? Well if you know what skiing is, and you have a dog, you are all set! Skijoring is when you attach yourself to your dog (who loves to run) and go cross-country skiing! This is especially fun for dogs who are strong (larger breeds) and are trained well enough to obey commands like stop and turn. It is crucial, however, that you have the correct harnesses for your dog, as you do not want to put pressure on to his back or joints. You also want to ensure that your dog is strong enough to pull you from a dead stop – you can assist them by moving yourself at the beginning until you get going fast enough. Purchase your dog a pair of boots (with traction, so they do not slip on the snow), so that your dog’s feet are protected when in contact with ice and snow.

BONUS TIP: The cold can be hard on your dog’s joints as his paws and legs are in direct contact with the snow. Once you are finished your activity outside, give your dog’s legs and paws a massage. Gently squeezing and making circular motions on his legs will help to bring the blood back into his joints. This is especially important if your dog struggles with joint pain (in which case do not attempt Skijoring), as cold air can cause more pain. Give your dog a comfortable place to lie down when back inside and do what you can to get him warm once again. For prevention, Canine 15 natural supplements will help with joint pain that is chronic.

Walking or Hiking/Snow-Shoeing

Are you the outdoorsy type who likes to trek to the mountains during the cold months? One fun thing you can do with your dog in the winter is bring him along! Your dog will love to run around smelling things and just being out of the house. As always, keep an eye on the temperature – if it is extremely cold and below freezing, it might be better to do some indoor activities. Otherwise, purchase boots for your dog and a sweater to keep him extra warm on your adventures.

BONUS TIP: If you are walking with your dog within your city or town, once you are home, wipe off your dog’s paws. The salts and gravel used on roads and sidewalks to reduce ice can get stuck on the bottom of your dog’s feet. You want to make sure that they do not lick these chemicals, so wiping of your dog’s paws after a walk is best!

Snow Maze

It’s no secret that dogs love to explore, so letting them roam free and sniff around in the snow is the perfect way to change up their usual outdoor routine and let them experience the full joy of a snow day. A fun way to entertain your fur baby, this winter dog game is easy to set up and requires little to no equipment! Simply shovel or trample a path for your pup and make the exploring extra enticing by hiding treats throughout the maze.

Obstacle Course. If you’re looking to upgrade your dog snow maze to something more challenging, consider an obstacle course as the perfect winter activity for your furry friend. A snow obstacle course is a stimulating game your dog can play, as it requires him to be more agile when he deals with snow pathways, arches, tunnels and barricades. As you challenge your pup, be sure to monitor him throughout the obstacle course to make sure he stays safe and doesn’t get stuck in the snow.

Practice Your Training

Cold, wet days are great to practice your training skills. Getting your dog thinking can be just as tiring as a romp at the park. If your dog has mastered the basics, such as sit, down, stay, etc., you can chain them together so that your dog has to do more for his reward. Don’t get too crazy at first – start with two or three commands and build up. For example, try a puppy push-up – ask your dog to sit, lay down, and sit again for a treat.

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