Adventure Dog Club

Dog wearing back pack alaska dog works

Welcome to the Adventure Dog Club! Our club was formed by a group of passionate dog owners who believe in having a great time with their dogs, giving back to their communities and going on adventures.

Our mission is to make each dog’s day out, the best day of their lives. Our Adventure Dog Club members enjoy a mixture of activities with their pups: hiking, obedience, bikejoring, water sports, photo-dogs, and many more. Some participate in multiple activities while others focus on a single one. Our members have a sense of humor, a supportive attitude toward dog(s) and have a strong sense of community. Our primary focus is helping people have fun with their dogs, and have fun ourselves in the process.

How fun was it as a kid to be in the Boy or Girl Scouts. You got to hang out with your friends, do cool things, and even earn some awesome patches. We are taking that a step further and we are including your dog. Our goal is to release new programs, and patches twice a year and occasionally some special edition (hard to get!) ones too. To earn some patches it may be as easy as posting some pictures or videos of you and your dog doing an activity. Others, like our K9 First-Aid and CPR will require you to take a class and send us a copy of your certificate.

Adventure Dog Club Merit Badges

There is a $20.00 a year membership fee (for an individual, with additional membership options available) and this will allow you to earn your Adventure Dog Badge and each activity badge thereafter.

Each activity badge has its own individual requirement. We are going to keep the cost low, just $19.97 each and that includes the badge! We guarantee you will have fun and do things with your dog(s) that you never thought were possible.

In order to be eligible to earn the activity badges, you must be a member of the Adventure Dog Club and in good standing. Once you fill out the application we will forward you the information for membership and enroll you in the badges you want to get started with.

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Adventure Dog Badge

The Adventure Dog Badge is the first badge you will earn with your dog and you will be on your way to participate in many other exciting programs to come!

Bikejoring Badge

Bikejoring Badge Adventure Dog Club Alaska Dog Works

To register for this badge please click here and indicate that you are interested in the Bikejoring badge. Once we get your registered and in our database we will send you a link to log in and get started!

Boating Badge

Boating Dog Badge Adventure Dog Club Alaska Dog Works

To register for this badge please click here and indicate that you are interested in the Boating badge. Once we get your registered and in our database we will send you a link to log in and get started!

Hiking Badge

Hiking Dog Badge Adventure Dog Club Alaska Dog Works

To register for this badge please click here and indicate that you are interested in the Hiking badge. Once we get your registered and in our database we will send you a link to log in and get started!

Northern Lights Badge

To register for this badge please click here and indicate that you are interested in the Northern Lights badge. Once we get your registered and in our database we will send you a link to log in and get started!

The Northen Lights Badge offered by the Adventure Dog Club is one of our special editions. The purpose of this badge is to help the handler understand how to take better photos of the elusive Northern Lights and of his/her dog and help the dog to become easier subjects for photos. The badge requires the handler to gain a solid understanding of his/her camera and how to use it to get great photos. It also requires the dog to demonstrate skills that help him to be a better subject. The dog needs to have solid impulse control prior to training the required skills.

Canine First Aid Badge

Community Service Badge



Glacier Dog Badge


READ Badge

Mushing Badge

Camping Badge


Pho-DOG Badge

More Badges to Come. Stay Tuned!